Acharya Astrologers - Anti or Opposite Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 meaning in Lo shu Grid Numerology
In Numerology There are 4 type of Numbers Relationship, 1. is Friendly Numbers, 2. is Neutral Numbers 3 is Anti Numbers and 4. is Opposite Numbers.
Today here we learn the Anti and Opposite Numbers.
In numerology, the concepts of anti and opposite numbers are used to understand the dynamics and interactions between different numbers, particularly how they influence an individual's traits, behaviors, and life path. Here's an explanation of these concepts:
Anti Numbers:
Anti numbers, also known as "challenge numbers" or "conflict numbers," are pairs of numbers that tend to have opposing energies or characteristics. When these numbers appear in a person's numerological chart, they can indicate areas of conflict or challenge that need to be addressed. The anti number pairs are typically derived from the characteristics of each number, considering how their energies might conflict.
Anti Number Pairs:
- 1 and 8: Leadership vs. Material Success
- 2 and 7: Sensitivity vs. Introspection
- 3 and 4: Creativity vs. Practicality
- 5 and 6: Freedom vs. Responsibility
- 9 has no specific anti number: Since 9 is considered a universal number, encompassing aspects of all numbers, it is generally seen as harmonizing rather than conflicting.